Art in Nature program sparks new connections to sustainability

New Pioneers wrapped up this year’s “Winter Nature Series” with an Art in Nature program on Tuesday, January 30, 2024 at the Marion County Public Library.

Taught by our own artist, Lana Gits, artists of all levels gathered to learn the basics of sketching and the building blocks of observing the environment around us - complete with laughs, learning, and some beautiful artwork.

One participant reflected that this program allowed her to step out of her comfort zone and changed the way she thought about drawing and artists - all while learning about New Pioneers and the environment.

The “Winter Nature Series” served to connect our community to the natural world, even when it is difficult to get outside in the winter months, in partnership with local libraries in Nelson, Marion, and Washington Counties.

Thank you to Lana, our program partners, and attendees for supporting such a successful program this January!

Thanks to our generous partners!

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