Happy Earth Day! New Pioneers is thrilled to honor Earth Day 2024 by reviving our annual Earth Day Cleanup Challenge, in which we host a window of time for groups and individuals to “clean up” our local communities. Participating in a clean up is especially relevant this year, as Earth Day 2024’s theme is “planet vs plastics”. We can’t wait for you to join us in cleaning up our environment to ensure a healthy future for all!
New Pioneers’ Earth Day Cleanup Challenge is a collective challenge, meaning that groups and individuals are encouraged to host their own cleanup events throughout the central Kentucky region during the week surrounding Earth Day: Saturday, April 20 through Sunday, April 28, 2024. New Pioneers’ defines a “cleanup event” as any event that promotes environmental restoration or quality maintenance, including, but not limited to, trash and litter collection, invasive species removal, and water(source) cleanups.
In order to participate in the challenge, we invite you to submit information about yourself/your team using this form. Additionally, we ask that you send confirmation in the form of updates and photos from your successful cleanup event to info@newpioneers.org by Tuesday, April 30, 2024, regardless of your cleanup date.
To celebrate your commitment to protecting the environment, eligible participants* will be entered into a raffle to win a Go Sun® solar oven. Many thanks to our Go Sun partners for supporting our work and efforts!
* Eligibility criteria for Go Sun solar oven raffle
In order to qualify for the Go Sun solar oven raffle, you must participate in the Earth Day Cleanup Challenge by hosting a qualifying cleanup event within the proposed time frame. Additionally, you must register your event using the form above AND send verification that your event took place by emailing info@newpioneers.org with photos and updates by the deadline above.
The Earth Day Cleanup Challenge raffle drawing will take place on Wednesday, May 1 at 1 p.m. on Facebook live.