This method is done directly in the ground or garden beds. This method is very low maintenance and improves soil health, reduces weeds, and attracts worms!
Collect your organic material, aiming for a 2:1 ratio of brown to green.
Brown materials: Includes dry plants and woody materials (i.e. cardboard, dried leaves, sticks, etc.)
Green materials: Includes food scraps and newer plants that still have some green (i.e. fruit/vegetable scraps, egg shells, grass clippings, etc.)
Be sure NOT to add any dairy, meat, grease, or bones to your compost!
Dig a hole in your yard or garden bed! Decide the size based on how often you will add food scraps to the pile.
Some prefer to dig a small hole every time they have a load of food scraps to bury, and others prefer to dig a large hole and gradually add to the pile before covering. If you have pets or are near wildlife, a small pile that is immediately buried is most ideal.
Add your organic material to the hole and cover it with dirt once all materials are added.
Tamp down with your foot and let the organic matter do the work!